Work Experience AgTech Startup

Senior Software Engineer; April 2022 - Present; Bengaluru, India

  • Working in sustain team as SSE.

Software Engineer; April 2021 - March 2022; Bengaluru, India

US Carbon Program

  1. Carbon Calculator
    • Calculate VCUs(verified carbon units), CO2 eq, earnings, and equivalent driven car numbers on the basis of grower practices(Cover Crop, Tillage, Manure, Fertilizers), location, farm area, and year of practices.
  2. User Response Service
    • Identify eligible growers by creating forms and collecting grower responses.
    • Grower will be allowed to do signup only if he is eligible.
    • Create data agreement with digital signing.
    • Store data of growers who have accepted the agreement.
    • Collect and store the grower’s data file(any format and any size) in S3 using the Presigned URL.
  3. Auth and User Service
    • add password-based authentication.
    • add email verification, and reset password functionality.

• Tools: GoLang, Java, gRPC, ProtoBuffer, GraphQL, MySQL, Kubernetes, Helm, Docker, Jenkins

Wheelseye Technology: Logistic Startup

Software Developer; Jul 2020 - April 2021; Gurgaon, India

  • Developed microservice which enabled other service owners to send communications(sms, notification, whatsapp, email) across channels using a central module.
  • Improved accuracy of sms delivery from 73\% to 86\% by integrating circuit breaker and retry mechanism.
  • Implemented features like overspeed info, vehicle in no info zone, fastag auto replacement.
  • Integrated infobip, gupshup, mayeka, aws pinpoint, map my india apis.
  • worked on a web scrapping microservice to scrap vehicle details.
  • Integrated Sonar for static code analysis and vault to manage secret data in code workflow.
  • Tools: GoLang, Java, Spring Boot, Python, Redis, Kafka, PostGreSQL, Sonar

Bhabha Atomic Research Centre

Deep Learning Research Internship; Nov 2018 - Feb 2019; Mumbai, India

  • Implemented end to end Deep Learning Approach for Low-Quality Vehicle License Plate Recognition.
  • Achieved State of the Art Accuracy on license Plate Dataset with Improvement of more than 1.9% in Accuracy.
  • Built a Novel Neural Network architecture, which helps in recognizing Arbitrary Length, Multi-Style and Noisy Images in Segmentation Free Manner.
  • Our Proposed Model integrates feature extractor, Sequence Encoder, Sequence Decoder and CTC Loss Function into a unified framework.
  • IEEE Research Paper Link.
  • Tools: Python, Deep Learning, OpenCV

Intel Corporation

Artificial Intelligence Ambassador; Jul 2019 - June 2020; Bangalore, India

  • Worked as Intel@ Nervana Ambassador with a focus on Artificial Intelligence.
  • Program deals to deliver organized opportunities to innovative people in the field of AI.


CAMPUS AMBASSADOR; April 2018 – June 2020; Srinagar, India

  • Encouraged the Culture of Hacking and Competitive Programming in NIT Srinagar.
  • Organized First Ever Machine Learning Hackathon of NIT Srinagar.